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I pledge allegiance to the flag of the
United States of America
And to the Republic for which it stands,
One nation, UNDER GOD, indivisible
With liberty and justice for ALL.

Wow, I've been away from my site for too long. I have now updated alot of the links on the site. Unfortunately, as time moves on, many have closed their sites dedicated to Dale. I hope to keep mine going as long as possible. After a divorce and a move, I am finally finding time to work on this site once again. To me, Dale will never be out of my mind. My house refelcts how much I love Dale and the fantastic memories he has left behind. From the Earnhard throw and pillow cushions, to the diecast room and #3 hats hanging on my dresser mirrors, it's obvious as soon as you walk in he will forever be in MY HARDT!!!!
Please feel free to contribute in any way to this site. Without the fans, this site wouldn't be possible. This site is dedicated in memory of the life and times of Dale Earnhardt, and dedicated to the fans from the fans so that his memory will be forever remembered for those generations to come that will never have the pleasure of seing the black #3 on the track.
If you would like to contribute to this website with pictures, poems, etc. or just
want to chat, send me an...
Please join many others in putting yourself on my guestmap to let me know where you are visiting here from.
The Fans Come and join me in adding your name to my online Earnhardt
screen names collection, or check out what names fans have come up
with to honorDale over the years. We have a total of 69 names as of 2/08/03!
Thanks to all who have participated so far!
Drop in and sign my guestbook!

Your webmaster is a proud member of the
Thanks to Chuck & Jen for this banner!
This site is non-profit, and in no way offiliated with NA$CAR, RCR Racing,
Dale Earnhardt Incorporated, or The Earnhardt Family. The contents of this site
are presented purely for personal enjoyment by fans and admirers of
Dale Earnhardt. In no way is any money being made from this site. If there is any
content or material presented in this site which is your copyright, please
notify me and I will take proper actions. Also if there is something provided on this site that
hasn't givenyou proper credit, please let your webmaster know so that credit can be given.
This site was born on 3/21/01.
© 2004 Fans' Memories of Dale Earnhardt.